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Baltimore Baptist Association

Baltimore Baptist Association

Welcome to the BBA!

The Baltimore Baptist Association is a fellowship of churches voluntarily joined in a covenant relationship with one another under the Lordship of Christ. We have focused our strategy and resource allocation to better serve the people of our metropolitan area through encouraging and strengthening healthy churches.

We aim to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Baltimore region by encouraging and equipping our member churches as they share the gospel by word and deed in love.  We are a diverse collection of churches united by our confession of faith and our commitment to seeing Jesus made famous in this part of the world.

We are not interested lifting up the name of the BBA, rather, we seek to support and fuel the local church. We seek to be a valuable resource for our churches to develop greater fellowship among pastors, ministry through the churches, and collaborative missions as we share Christ in the Baltimore area.

Welcome to the Baltimore Baptist Association.

© 2016 Baltimore Baptist Association
610 Middle River Rd | Baltimore, MD 21220