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Baltimore Baptist Association

Baltimore Baptist Association


February 28, 2017

Identity is no insignificant matter.

People crave identity. From our earliest age, we have all pursued our true identity.  From the moment we became aware, we became self-aware.  We seek identity in the people, places and times in which we live.  Identity helps us to understand the anchors of mission, purpose, and vision.

The identity of the local church association in SBC life has adjusted over time depending on the season.  Here in Baltimore, we have recently re-evaluated our identity.

We asked: “What is our best and highest purpose as a local association of churches?”

After much prayer and discussion among our Leadership Team and Executive Board, the BBA reimagined ourselves as being the primary place to encourage and equip our pastors and church leaders.  Our proximity to one another allows us to connect on a more personal level than our friends from our state or national agencies could ever be asked or expected.

The BBA is anchored in Christ with a focus on being family to one another.  We are not alone.  None of our pastors need to serve alone, pray alone, or face hardship alone.  None of our churches are alone as they grow, face challenges, or dream for a brighter future.

We invite you to join us as we seek to be a blessing to one another.

We are a family.  We are the family of Christ.

© 2016 Baltimore Baptist Association
610 Middle River Rd | Baltimore, MD 21220